


I put a padlock on my room when I was a teenager. Because I didn't trust my parents. I didn't have anything in there to hide. It just bothered me that they'd rifle through stuff. One of them would throw things out too. "Cleaning." (How about 'Cleaning" while I'm there? - And why "clean" the things that were neat? - Oh that's right… because 'since things were neat and clean I obviously didn't use them!' UGH!)

I know there are people who may read this and think "My house, my rules." That's fine to an extent. I mean of course you're right. But then don't be a jerk about it. Don't violate your kid's privacy and security in a destructive way. Don't throw away their things when they're not home without asking. Don't jump to conclusions about things you read in a diary (which is really none of your business. Sorry.) If you claim to be a "concerned parent" then be an actual concerned parent. Have a good relationship with your kid. Don't be a crappy parent, with a crappy relationship, then toss your kid's room once in a while because you're nosy, and use "concern" as an excuse!

Do I sound bitter? I am. Funny how things hang around.

For what it's worth, I've never used drugs, never smoked, never drank (I've had sips of stuff that looked good! But I don't drink. Alcohol doesn't "work right" on me, so there's no point.) I was ridiculously obedient. There was nothing to be suspicious about.

Oh and as for the "their house their rules" thing… one of my parents will still go through people's things any time they're left alone somewhere. My things, your things, friends' things, strangers' things… It's not about concern and it's none of their business. My being a kid in their house was no different.

- Think it's weird that I got away with putting a padlock on my door as a teen? - Me too! Certainly THAT was a reason to be suspicious! But really, I'd just had enough.