When you create a blog in Blogger, if you import posts from a previous blog, or if you manually enter a date for a post that is older than the creation date of the new blog, the search function won't return most of those older posts in its results. This is due to a bug in Blogger that first appeared in 2009 and has never been addressed.
If you search this blog, only posts dated after June 6th 2011 will appear in the search results. To search posts dated before 6/6/11, please click the sidebar's links for those months and use your browser's search function on that page. (- Or have someone at Blogger contact me about fixing their code ;) )
Edit: It's fixed! I don't know if Blogger fixed their code or if it works now because of something I did on my own site to fix it, but the search bar at the top right of this site now works correctly and returns posts from all dates.