I'm wondering if I should disregard someone's request. Well, that's not up to them actually... what's done is done. I'm wondering if I should LIE to cover up that things aren't how they want.
I told them I was going to change my plans. They didn't like that, but it was already done. Too late. So I'm wondering if I should avoid them so they don't have to know, or say "My plans changed before you made your request. Sorry you're not happy with that."
I'm getting really frustrated trying to navigate this person's issues. What's wrong with me that I stick it out with people I care so much about, when they wouldn't throw me a life raft if I was drowning.
Is this true? This is more than you ever reveal on the other blog. . . hope it's not so :-(
May 30, 2012 at 7:16 AM
Yeah it is. True, and "more than I reveal on the other blog." I have been having a great deal of difficulty with someone in my life. It's been awful. Painful. - I'm not doing so great. And another person is involved and that friendship is problematic as a result and I've been feeling hopeless.
- *There's* more than I reveal too ;)
Thanks for asking. Really :)
May 30, 2012 at 3:31 PM
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