Physics classes in Jr. High.
I went to a great Jr. High School. Among its merits, was that we were allowed to choose our own classes - something that wasn't usually allowed until High School. So long as a class could justifiably be said to fulfill state requirements, we could take it. I took several physics classes. Loved them.
I think the reason I didn't go more in that direction as an adult was the theoretical aspects of physics after a while. I like concrete. I like knowns. Or at least working largely within knowns. I can speculate as to unknowns, but I want to know answers in the end.
That's why I often have so much patience with puzzles. The kinds that make other people feel crazy and stupid? I figure if it's a puzzle, (a regular puzzle, not a "meaning of life, the universe, and everything" puzzle) there's a definite answer and a solution. And if other people have figured it out, I can too.
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