

Ooooh this is tricky. I'm full of advice. Often unsolicited! But it's information IMO. Information I wish I'd had when I was trying to figure out A or B or C and was going CRAZY researching it once upon a time. So when I hear someone mention something I've already learned tons about, I speak up and say "Hey! I know how to do that! Have you tried this..." - And people can take or leave whatever info I give them. It doesn't matter to me whether or not someone implements information I give them. If someone keeps bemoaning a certain situation or asking for help with the same issue, I might repeat myself once or twice, in case they forgot, but that's about it.

It's kind of like an information booth. Imagine you're a tourist somewhere. You go to the info booth and they tell you all of the information they have, and the great things you can do, and how to get there, and they give you directions, and they might even repeat them a couple of times to make sure you've understood, but they're not going to follow you around for the rest of the day saying "Did you go to the museum? Why not? I TOLD YOU YOU'D LIKE IT!!!! YOU MUST GO TO THE MUSEUM!!!!"


So I reckon working at an Information Booth would probably be your ideal job. OR maybe just an Agony Aunt kinda thing? Why don't you start another blog and call it: Ask NQ. Dealing with today's dilemmas. It'd be fun!

October 19, 2011 at 6:26 PM

I've often said an info booth would be a good job for me. Not because I like to give out information, but because I'm ok answering the same questions over and over again. - Makes other people crazy!

An Aunt Agony thing would make me NUTS! Lol! When something crosses my path that I know a little about, that's one thing. But I don't want to go looking for people's problems! Plus, I think when you have a column like that, you're suggesting that you have solutions to everything! I definitely don't. I just know what I I know :)

October 19, 2011 at 8:59 PM

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