

I picture braids in my own hair, when I was little, and braids on horse tails.

At one time, I considered getting braids all over my head. I thought it might look cute. Some time later I was someplace that offered to wrap a small bunch of hair in colored yarn. It ended up being about the thickness of a pencil. One little bunch of hair.

That thing bothered me SO MUCH! It hurt like heck and was always swinging back and forth, whacking me, and pulling on what felt like just a few tiny strands on my head. I left the wrap in out of stubbornness - and the thought that maybe in time I'd get used to it - and it finally broke off completely about a month later. I never got used to it. It hurt all the way to the end.

When I think that a head full of tiny braids might have been just like that, but multiplied, I'm relieved I never tried it.


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