

I learned how to make one folded napkin "thing" when I was little, and used it every time I set a table. It was a way to make a kind of "bed" or pocket for the utensils. - I always thought of it as a bed.

Fold a napkin into a simple triangle or rectangle? Unheard of!

I guess it's not too far off a tangent to add that at Disney housekeeping always impresses me with their mad towel folding skills. I'll have to corner one of them someday and ask them how that works. How many kinds are they taught... are there refresher courses... how much of their training is devoted to "towel folding...." etc.

(If you've never stayed at a Disney hotel, do an image search on the web. I'm sure there's towel pictures out there.)


Maybe you should take up origami?

October 14, 2011 at 4:08 PM

I would go nuts! Lol! I can make about 3 origami things.

October 15, 2011 at 9:40 AM

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