

How I've been. I feel like I've been drifting. I was out of it. I felt lost for a while. Trying to keep above water. Now I'm back and still trying to stay afloat. Too much to do. Stressed. Knowing I have it in me to get it done. Wondering when I'll do it all. And then what...?

Emotions rising and falling... security up and "Ooooh! Look at the view!!!" and then down again in a sea of uncertainty. Waves of emotion, of nausea, of fear, of joy... Of doubt. Self doubt. Doubt in others. In my abilities. In the Universe...

Too much influenced by things not in my control at the moment. I don't like that :o/

I'm drifting... And I don't know that I even want to look for "land" right now. Maybe living in a drifting state could be better in the end... if I could get past the motion sickness.


I hear you on this - the drifting part, the lost part -- I am in the primordial sea and , yes, motion sickness rides with me everywhere -

March 28, 2012 at 10:13 PM

Sorry to hear that. I'll toss you some sunblock ;)

March 29, 2012 at 6:18 PM

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