My friend :) Ok she's not a gourmet but she cooks really well. I'm used to pretty basic tasteless food! And I'm ok with that. I like food "as is." Plus I have allergies, so simple is often best with me. To be honest, restaurant food doesn't taste a whole lot better to me. That's not to say I cook as well as a restaurant, but I rarely eat somewhere because I think "The food here is SO GOOD." I eat out if I'm tired and don't want to cook for myself! If the food isn't bad at a restaurant, that's good enough for me!
But my friend cooks really well. I've eaten at her place several times and she's amazing with seasoning. I know nothing about seasoning. I have four I use and that's it, and I don't even use those all the time. She's got an encyclopedia of spices. All fresh. All combined well on the food... her cooking is fantastic. I'm trying to get tips from her because it seems effortless for her. I'd love for it to be effortless for me too. Right now, for me it's just "clueless."
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