I had a deaf friend who used to wear a "I'm not deaf, I'm ignoring you" button :)
I took one or two years of American Sign Language in college and taught myself from books before that. I'm ok on paper but not as good in practice. As with most people and learned languages, I speak it better than I understand it. And I don't speak it that well.
I wouldn't mind taking more ASL classes someday, but I think what I'd really need is to go someplace like Gallaudet, and I don't think I'm interested enough to be that immersed in it. If a family member were deaf, I absolutely would. I've always loved ASL. I think it's a beautiful language.
I understand the "speaking" easier than "understanding" part. I lived in Venezuela for a year and a half and spoke Spanish much much better than I understood it. My sister-in-law was an interpreter for the deaf and loved it. And I love it when the children in our church sign the songs that they sing :)
December 27, 2011 at 2:00 PM
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