

"We're slouching again... Straighten up... eyes ahead... look like all the other human beings! Great... Now we're teetering. From side to side, like some old person. We should have brought a cart."

"We didn't need a cart. It would have been empty."

"Doesn't matter, it would have given him more balance. At the very least the slouching might have looked like he was making an effort to push the darned thing."

"If it was empty?"

"Whose idea was it to go outside today anyway?"

"Somebody said they wanted pizza!"



"We're slouching again."


I feel like I should know that - did you write it or is it FTP

December 2, 2011 at 11:26 PM

I wrote it. What's FTP? - I have a feeling you don't mean File Transfer Protocol ;)

I had a few different images in my head, but mostly a "Men In Black" kind of thing, where a couple of aliens, or ghosts, or "somethings" are trying to pilot a human body as it walks down a street. Either from the inside, or remotely.

December 3, 2011 at 8:35 AM

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