

There's a lot of leftovers. Too many. I'm pretty sure I've gained weight in the past weeks. I get tired, run down, and I reach for anything that I think will give energy. Usually that's protein (which also makes me gain if I eat too much), and next is sugar and next is fruit. In my own home, the only options are usually fruit and protein for quick energy fixes, and I rarely have meat in the house so I don't usually eat too much of it (I eat a lot of meat if it's around), plus I don't run myself down as much. But when I'm not at home, I eat a lot just to stay upright! I'll probably have a cupcake for breakfast...


the breakfast of champions :)

December 28, 2011 at 6:01 PM

I had brownies and oranges the other morning. And I believe yesterday was ribs... (My body is going to be so glad to get home to organic food!)

December 28, 2011 at 8:14 PM

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