

My friends and I used to play "Spy." Playing "Spy" consisted of making it around the perimeter of our block via the back yards of everyone's houses. Which was not cool where we lived! We'd sneak behind bushes and trees and flowers and gardens... we weren't trying to see or steal anything. We wanted to see if we could get through all the backyards without anyone seeing us!

I was always so afraid of getting caught by someone. I don't think we ever were. Because, really, if you're not actually IN your back yard, and you're not watching pets or kids back there, and you don't have a breathtaking view, and you're not on a hit list of some kind... who looks back there?


It's so fun to hear other people's childhood memories! We did stuff like that too. We used to roll each other around in trash cans . . .those metal ones. It was so much fun back then! Sounds pretty disgusting and gross now, but it was way fun!

December 9, 2011 at 6:57 PM

Your comment made me LOL! We never did that! Sounds LOUD! :D

December 9, 2011 at 8:30 PM

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