I loved carnivals. I only find them creepy now, as an adult. I still like them though. Amazing what we don't notice as kids.
Remember the McDonalds do it yourself carnivals? Those were cool. We'll never see giveaways like that again! I remember EVERYBODY having one at my school. Lots of mini carnivals with bean bag tosses, roll the ball into the cans, and knock down the cup games ... with turnouts of 3 or 4 people!
The only time I ever won anything was at a carnival - - it was a goldfish :)
February 14, 2012 at 3:12 PM
Oh gosh yes! Me too! The little fish bowls and the ping pong balls! How'd they ever go in with all the bouncing around?!
Carnival goldfish led to tanks and store bought fish. None of which outlived the goldfish. Eventually the goldfish would die after 3-5 years or so (I think?) and the tank would be retired. - Then we'd win another goldfish ;)
February 14, 2012 at 3:58 PM
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