

♫ "It's a maze this garden it's a maze of ways..." 

You know the best way to do a maze is from the end to the beginning right? No? Now you do :)

* Some people say pick one directly and always turn that way. That doesn't always work for tricky mazes, but it's another strategy to try. Or you could do what the family who got stuck in a corn maze did when it started to get dark. Call the police on your cell phone.


Every time I think if a "maze," I think of the Shining!
Haha! I read about that family who had to call the police! How embarrassing!! Unless, of course, they were in the maze in the Shining - - then I would have called the police, too!

February 13, 2012 at 3:05 PM

ROFL! Yeah, no Shining mazes for me please!

February 13, 2012 at 3:11 PM

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