

Big Chief Steve

We had a summer carnival type of thing at my day camp when I was very little. About 4 to 6 years old. I can't remember the name of the carnival. I want to say "Color Wars" but I think that was something different involving competitions. This was like a carnival or fair. We got a certain amount of "Wampum" (different colored paper that represented money) each day, and we could earn extra by winning certain sports or games or doing well in our activities at camp. Then we could use our wampum to play games at the carnival.

I remember we called the head of the camp "Big Chief Steve."

I also remember a kid saying their parent took their wampum to work and copied a whole bunch of extras onto colored paper using the office's machine (- Basically printed a bunch of fake money for their kid!) So that kid was then super rich in wampum and could do whatever they wanted. Smart parent ;)


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