

I had to go to a gallery once for a class. I still don't understand what the purpose was. We were probably supposed to feel a deep connection of some sort. - I get bored in museums.

After the class trip, a bunch of us went out for lunch, and the teacher joined us. Everyone was sitting around, talking. Most were fawning over the teacher and asking her lots of questions, which she answered. I don't think I asked anything, but I listened. At one point, a guy in the class started talking about something. I think he may have been enthusiastically telling a story. Eventually the teacher interrupted him and told him that here she was, with us, a rare opportunity for us to ask questions of her and learn about her and her insights, and here he was talking about himself.

- This teacher was a piece of work.

I also remember that, at one point, she said she liked stuffed grape leaves. She had some on her salad. I had some on mine too. I was saving mine for last because I also liked them. After she finished hers, she asked if I was going to eat mine. I said yes. I just hadn't gotten to it yet. She paused, then asked me again, as if I hadn't answered correctly. - I gave the same answer again. She seemed shocked that I didn't give her my grape leaves. - She had her own!


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