


There are far more dense people in the world than I knew. I'd thought smart people outnumbered the idiotic. Not so. And IQ doesn't play as much a part in decentness and non-idiotic behaviour as one might think.

On a slightly different tangent re: "Dense..."

I have a lot of patience with people who aren't "smart." People who don't understand how to do something or don't know something, or are slow to learn something and ask questions (even the same questions) over and over and over again. They don't bother me. I do have problems with people who don't try. Who want me to do all the work for them instead of with them. Who lie about what work they have or haven't done on their own. "Dense" people, in my world, are those people. People who'd rather complain, manipulate and make excuses, rather than try, and try, and try, and try, over and over and over again. The latter may be slower than others at times, but they are not dense. Slow and steady does eventually cross the finish line.



September 29, 2011 at 10:02 PM

Thanks :)

September 30, 2011 at 10:24 AM

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