

There was no evidence. It was her word against theirs. And the handful of people she'd told, hadn't believed her. That was the part she would never understand. That when faced with the choice of believing her, her, or them, everyone chose them. She whose praises everyone had sung. She who'd helped most of them through troubles of their own, saved their lives, found them work, built them up and led them from lonely worlds to new lives... she whom everyone had trusted... None of that mattered.

What was it about the outer glow that some people had? A glow that shone so brightly to some, that it protected the bearer like a forcefield. While others, whose glow came from within, would never have any protection at all.



September 29, 2011 at 7:59 PM

Thank you. (I think? ;) )

September 30, 2011 at 10:05 AM

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