Pressed Flowers:
I remember pressing some in an encyclopedia. I'd hoped to put them in a frame between two panes of glass and give them as a gift. Never happened.
Pressed Suits:
Did you know Dry Cleaners can just press stuff for you if you ask? Without cleaning? I don't usually need this service since most anything I have that's "Dry Clean Only" doesn't survive past its first laundry load.
Hot off the Press:
My friend had a miniature printing press when we were little. I remember typesetting all the letters in backwards and then cranking out ONE WHOLE SHEET of paper!!!! - Over and over again.
I also had a school trip to the New York Times when I was younger. I'm pretty sure I still have the... I don't know what they're called.... the fused row of letters and numbers that were used to print that day's date. We were each given one to take home.
Pressed for Time:
Time's up! :)
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