Who didn't want to like Dr. Pepper growing up? Remember those commercials? "Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too!"
I TOTALLY wanted to be a Pepper! I wanted to love the stuff and dance and sing down the street with that guy and all the cool kids behind him!
Then I actually tried the stuff, and I hated it. I tried it several times because I SO wanted to like it.
I wonder what happened to the Dr. Pepper guy?
(Gosh I love the interwebnet. The Dr. Pepper guy was David Naughton.)
I tried Dr Pepper when I was in the States, without the benefit of the cool advertising, I kinda thought it tasted like soda (as you would say) with Deep Heat mixed in it. You know, that stuff you rub on your legs or tired muscles with a sort of mentholatum smell/taste about it.
Maybe it's just me though.
September 8, 2011 at 4:25 AM
Yuck :P
I remember it being waaay too sweet for my taste. Don't remember the menthol part. Not particularly inspired to try it again though lol!
September 8, 2011 at 7:43 AM
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