Icicle (II)

Uh oh... like a frozen icicle on a roof, yesterday's word is stuck and hasn't changed over.

Unless it's due to the daylight savings thing and this thinks it's an hour... no wait.... that wouldn't work that way. Then the new word would have been posted an hour earlier not an hour later.



A virtual "icicle" frozen in the entryway of OneWord...

Let's see how long it takes to melt...


I'll ask the Long Island Medium and see if she can tell you when the "icicle" will die off.

November 14, 2011 at 3:12 PM

I had to google her! I've never heard of her! I don't watch most tv. I wonder about people like that (who doesn't?) I think there might be real mediums or psychics, but I've yet to see someone who seems convincing. Twice I let one (2 different ones) that friends SWORE by try to read me. -FAIL ;)

November 14, 2011 at 4:22 PM

I'm not a total freak and have seances and things like that. I truly believe though that there is life after death and that some spirits walk the earth. I think it's pretty wonderful, really. I think I might be a little hesitant to have someone try to read me, though. Lots of fakes out there, I believe. :)

November 14, 2011 at 4:46 PM

I know that I *don't* know what happens after death, and I don't rule anything out. I believe many of the common "after death" beliefs are possible, but I'm not sure I believe for certain that any of them definitely exist - just as I don't believe for certain that any of them don't exist!

I'm not afraid to have someone try to read me. I would be extremely cooperative because I'd want them to be successful. So I wouldn't try to trick them or answer incorrectly etc. But I would also be very cognizant of accidentally feeding them information.

I remember one so called psychic (who some friends swore by) attempting to read me and she made loads of assumptions based on something I was wearing and what she believed it signified. - all of which were incorrect. VERY interesting the broad generalizations she made about me, my personality, the type of person I was, what I liked and disliked, and my beliefs and goals in life etc... all based on her thoughts about this one thing I was wearing. It was all GOOD stuff she was saying. - Just all wrong! Lol! And I just looked at her and let her keep talking lol! I was fascinated by how far off base she was! I neither confirmed nor denied. Learned a lot about HER though ;)

November 14, 2011 at 5:54 PM

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