See? That's why yesterday's "hearts" (vs "heart") kept pointing me to cards and card games!
Solitaire. I know someone who plays it a lot. I can always hear it in the background when I call or in the next room when I visit. She also saves games at the moment of winning so she can replay the last card over and over and watch the winning "card shuffle" animation fill the screen.
I used to play Solitaire a lot. But I am also kind of "solitary" . . .I love time alone. But not too much. Just enough time to rest, or watch a TV show, or clean the house . . . Solitaire is fun, but solitary is better :)
November 18, 2011 at 2:30 PM
I'm not a big solitaire player, but I'm with you on the "solitary" thing.
November 18, 2011 at 6:47 PM
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