

John Wilkes :)

I was at the Ford’s Theatre once, but it took me a while to realize it. I was having a slow moment ;)

I was there for an interview and I knew it was called “Ford’s” theatre but I didn’t realize it was THE Ford’s Theatre! I had no idea I was even in the same state where Lincoln got shot. My mind was elsewhere.

As I looked out into the theatre I thought to myself “Wow… this looks exactly like that theatre where Lincoln got shot. This is SO WEIRD… It looks SO much like it. It’s EXACTLY like it!”

I couldn’t get this thought out of my head. How EXACTLY it looked like all those pictures I’d seen throughout my childhood. Then it finally dawned on me… Washington DC… FORD’S THEATRE… and then (because did I mention I was having a slow moment?) I thought to myself “- I guess that’s what all that civil war stuff was about down in the lobby….”


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