Barney :)
My nephew LOVED Barney. I personally never understood the whole “Barney” thing but there ya go. I found it particularly interesting that baby bop was originally the same size or taller than Barney and then shrunk later in life. It can happen to anyone I suppose.
On another note, I once knew a guy who was an archeologist and he said there’s loads of dinosaur bones under New York City. I guess that makes sense right? I mean there were no real dino boundaries back then. They went pretty much everywhere there was land. But it surprised me at the time, to think there were dinosaurs THERE and not just in some remote desert (which is where I guess I pictured them.)
There are machines that send out waves of some kind (Electrical? Sound? Other?) into the ground and, based on where they meet resistance, a kind of X-ray of the underground is formed, and they (archeologists using these things) can see whole pictures of dinosaurs underground that way.
I thought this was kind of neat. Who knows this kind of stuff?
(And ok yes this was more than 60 seconds but I wanted to finish my thought :) )
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