

My camp had a canteen! I LOVED canteen!!! That was its word for the snack bar that was only open for about an hour a day. What a BIG DEAL that was. Highlight of my day going to buy things from there and wondering what I could get. Grape soda was a given for me. Maybe a chocolate bar if I had extra money. I always wondered if I'd be able to get one of the camp t-shirts. They looked so cool to me. And new! New stuff! Like a present! Except we all had teams we were divided into and I liked the other team's shirts better, which always posed a bit of a dilemma for me.

Grape soda... :)

Oh! And a grape charms lollipop!!! I would get those too! - They were WAY bigger then than now!

Oh and Chunkys! I'd get a Chunky too if I had enough money.

I loved canteen!


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