Is this like the "Vodka" question? ;)
Cigarette. I don't use 'em. I tried one once out of curiosity. I didn't want to smoke, I just wondered what it was like. It's hard to explain this to people but I felt the effects of it instantly, and for about a day or so afterwards. In my throat. Talking was ok, but I felt a difference, and singing was very difficult. I couldn't control my vocal cords as effectively. A couple of days later things were fine, but I was surprised that any effect like that would last beyond a few minutes.
I have the same trouble with helium. You know how people sometimes inhale helium to make their voice sound funny? My voice stops sounding like a munchkin after a minute or so, but even after it sounds normal again, it doesn't work 100% normally until a day or two later. Every once in a while the cords will just spasm and completely give out, and no sound will come out. Even during regular talking.
I can only imagine what the long term effects of daily smoking must be like if I could feel such a difference from a couple of puffs. - That and er... helium addiction...
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