

Golden ticket
Ticket to platform 9 3/4

Hattie.  Hattie is someone my father knew when I was very young. Younger than five. She worked as a coat checker at some high scale place. I'll need to ask my dad where. I remember going to visit her and sitting at the window taking the red tickets. She lived near a museum, so our visits to her included her apartment, some very very long white steps, a visit to the museum, and sometimes swinging by her work to visit her at the coat check.

She was very nice, and had white white hair.... dad said she was ancient ;)

I heard her name mentioned later in a monologue (first and last name) and I wondered how many people there could be with her name? The monologuist had lived in the same city and they could have known each other. I'm so curious about that now, but they're both long gone. I wonder if they knew each other.


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