

The last one of course.

The last straw with me is when you put my life in jeopardy. I generally try to stick to a two to three strike rule, but when you screw with my life, whether you meant to or not, - whether you knew you were or not - I won't have anything to do with you.

I may not stop caring or wishing things were different, but I'm not a complete idiot. (Though I'll sometimes wonder how bright I could be to have missed this trait in you.)

I would never be so careless with a life. That you would be, speaks volumes.

- May you get every single thing in life, that you deserve.


"May you get every single thing in life, that you deserve." I have been trying out various forms of just this blessing/curse, fantasizing the note that I will leave for my landlord when he is, at last, no longer my landlord. ;)

July 16, 2011 at 2:49 AM

You can go with that. They probably won't even understand it ;)

I'm sorry about what's going on with you and them right now.

July 16, 2011 at 4:26 AM

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