Collars... what a hassle those were. Something that would stay on my pets, that would be comfortable for them even when lying down. Something that they could slip out of if they ever got caught up in something, so they wouldn't strangle to death... I gave a lot of thought to collars. They were important to me because I needed to be sure my pets had visible ID on them in case they got lost. They never did but I had regular dreams about their wandering off and my frantic attempts to find them - The dreams even continued for years after they died. I "collar trained" any pet I had as soon as they got home, no matter what the age. Usually they were so overwhelmed with the new surroundings they didn't even notice the thing around their neck! All my pets were pretty great about keeping their collars on. Never fussed with them or pulled them off, even though they could. On the rare occasion when I noticed one of them running around without a collar, it was always due to the collar having been caught on something and their slipping their heads out to free themselves - and for that, I was grateful. I still have most of their collars. I keep them with their ashes.
That is really a sweet sweet way to look at collars. You can tell your dogs have been loved :)
January 27, 2012 at 4:19 PM
My pets were my world. I would get more if I knew any good and reliable vets. I was never able to find both. :o/
January 27, 2012 at 4:34 PM
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