

She turned, almost in disbelief. Was it?

The door opened, and she saw at once, the Master. She hadn't sensed him. Quickly, she straightened, concealing her emotions as best as she could. She'd become practiced in this over the years, but his appearance, now, had caught her off guard.

"Come in," she said, "but stay quiet."

"Come in but stay quiet?" he asked.

She turned to look him directly in the eyes and said "My patient. I don't want her disturbed."

"Your patient," he snarled with contempt. "I don't know why you bother."

It worked, she thought. He believed she'd been talking to him.


I love that. I am so intrigued. I want to know the whole story !!

January 24, 2012 at 3:06 PM

Oh I'm so glad! :) This particular story may never be finished. I write it to entertain my brain when there's nothing on TV. The scene above is from a sequence of events I've been obsessing over the past few days. I've been in bed with the flu so there's been lots of staring at the ceiling and letting my mind do its thing.

January 24, 2012 at 5:12 PM

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