

I've been wondering about estate sales. Those that might happen for my family in the future. How to do that... So much stuff... how to whittle down belongings, little by little, in an "ok" manner, so that someday (someday far away most likely) when everything must be sold, the amount is manageable.

Looking around, even now, I see things I would want to have stay in the family, but I know I couldn't keep them. Not enough room.

I hope nobody around me realizes I'm looking at their homes and belongings in this way. But I am. Sort of. Because I think I might be the one who has to manage it all someday.


I don't know if this is morbid or not, but I've thought about cleaning and Decluttering so that when the time comes it won't be so hard for my husband or children. Of course, by the time the "time" comes I will have more stuff. Sigh

January 1, 2012 at 6:51 PM

I think about this for myself too. Getting rid of my own things little by little. I even want to document a couple of collections I have so people know what they're worth (if anything!) and what their history is and don't think they're just junk! *I* know what everything is, but someone else would have no clue. And getting more stuff? Every time I get something I think about this! Lol!

It's relatives belongings that are overwhelming me at the moment. Sometime in the next five years maybe (maybe not?) there will likely be transitions from large homes to smaller. There will be SO much to get rid of at that time. I'd take half of it if I had a house instead of a small apt! I'm already thinking ahead about sales vs donations vs storage spaces.... If they're all still fully cognizant and able minded, this won't be my concern as much, but some are getting forgetful so it's hard to know. If it's too overwhelming for them "someday", it may be me who has to figure it all out. - Nothing like visiting someone's house and, instead of relaxing, thinking "what am I going to do with all this stuff?" - Like *their* homes and stuff are any of my business! But I think it may be someday. Ugh.

January 2, 2012 at 6:38 AM

Two things here: I think all the time about clearing out my own stuff so no one else has to do it when I die..... or, I think, what will so and so think if they see this when I am dead? and then I decide that it doesn't matter to me at that point.....

This past fall, my siblings and I helped our mother move out of the family home in the mountains and into a one bedroom apartment in the small town nearby. It has been difficult for her but she still has the "big house" and she knows she can go there when she wants to. About 15 years ago, after my dad died, she started consciously giving things to each of her children and grandchildren. She said she wanted to see our faces when we were given the gift and she didn't want that to happen after she died. Made sense to me.

January 3, 2012 at 6:00 PM

I was always concerned about who got what when I died. Then I went into shock one day (that's another story!) and I was surprised to find that I suddenly didn't care who got what. I felt so relaxed, no worries.... then I started to come out of shock and who got what was suddenly very important to me again! Lol! - My point being that I feel like "after I die" decisions are important *now* but I've learned that when the time comes, I might not care at all!

The story about your mother is sweet. I like her logic for giving things away. It's nice that she could still go to the "big house" when she wanted and that it wasn't immediately sold. I'm not sure my relatives will have that option when it's time to "downgrade."

Thanks for stopping by :)

January 3, 2012 at 8:31 PM

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