


I wrote something, and then saved it to my computer instead of posting it. I believe that some things are best kept off the net. Which sucks because sometimes that stuff is really good! But if it's a memory, it may be too identifying. And if it's a story arc, it could be stolen (*gasp!*).

Some people don't believe this at all. They put themselves whole-ly out there. I admire them. But I don't think I could ever be like them.

-That's my belief anyway.


Hm, but it has its downside too. . .on the other hand also curiously liberating. . .
josie x

June 29, 2011 at 7:39 AM

I think it is liberating to say "This is me, deal with it!" ;) But the things I write are rarely just about me. They include other people too and it's those pesky "other people" I think about.

Anonymity is a double edged sword. It limits what I can write about "a", but it frees me up to write about "b". If I were not anonymous, I could write more about "b" but then not about "a."

Life on the interwebnet can be complicated ;)

June 29, 2011 at 10:02 AM

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