

Aesop's fables.

"Where do the animals walk like we do, where do the animals talk like we do? In the fables of.... Aesop..."

That's a line from a song in a show I did when I was six years old. I remember most of the score. My mind does that ;)

"There's a lesson in every fable. Find it if you're able. Every animal that you see, is a portrait of you and me..."

Here's the whole song. At least what I remember of it.

Where do the animals walk like we do? Where do the animals talk like we do? In the fables of.... Aesop...  
Where do the animals yearn like we do? Love and laugh and learn like we do? In the fables of.... Aesop...

There's a lesson in every fable. Find it if you're able. Every animal that you see, is a portrait (carbon?) of you and me...

Where do the animals act like we do? Have all our feelings, react like we do? In the fables of.... Aesop... In the fables of.... Aesop...
(The 2nd and last verses might be reversed but you get the idea.)


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