

"A splendid edifice can climb one brick at a time...."

"The work a mason does, is made to last..."

Songs and musicals keep coming to me first, recently.

Also the typical loose brick that opens a secret door or hides a key or box, or serves as a stepping stone to climb...

I'm remembering an exercise I did years ago. In my late teens. Some kind of test (for fun) that a friend was giving everyone, where we were asked to picture a number of things and then were asked to describe what we'd pictured, and then she tried to interpret what our specific images said about our personalities.

I remember for one part we were supposed to be walking in the woods, and then come upon a wall. I pictured a brick wall. I think that, later, she said this part of the "test" had to do with how we viewed and dealt with obstacles.

One person had a huge insurmountable wall that went all around the forest and they tried to go around it. Another person had pictured a little short stone wall and they just stepped over it. My wall was tall, but not massive. Maybe 20 feet tall, and about as wide. It looked new and out of place in the forest. It was just "there." When asked what I did about it, I said I climbed over it.

I realized later, when I'd heard some of the other descriptions, that my wall wasn't super wide. It didn't go on and on like some others. I wondered why I hadn't just walked around mine? All I can think of, is that I felt like I was supposed to climb over it. So I did. - I wonder what that says about me.


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