I saw this yesterday and didn't answer because I've been working with tools recently and I thought that kind of level would be boring. But, I'm almost finished with my project and again, that kind of level (with the little bubble) is what's coming to mind.
I'll say this... putting in an air conditioner is best done with two people, not one. And in looking at my almost finished project, -I think it was more level before. The tilt looks too far to me now but it's sturdy and staying as is.
Man I'm going to be sore in a few hours.
How cool are you putting in your own a/c! At least you will be cool ;-)
August 6, 2011 at 9:41 PM
I wasn't even really putting it in. I was taking it out, installing a bracket, and then putting it BACK in. And of course there were curtains and shades and other parts of the frame to take out and put back too. And tape. Lots of tape. Because tape is my answer to weather stripping. But... it's ALL DONE :)
August 6, 2011 at 9:51 PM
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