I'm not particularly cheap. But I don't like wasting money. I think that's pretty Basic right? Isn't that fairly Basic for anyone? Specifically, does anybody want to spend more money than they have to? Ok maybe that's not Specific enough. Here's a better Example. I try to exercise some Control in my spending, so I don't get Swept away in the excitement of seeing a new product and pay ridiculous prices for it. It Almost always works. I've Wondered at times about people who think that spending more money on something makes some kind of Statement about their own self worth. Like people who wear expensive Scarves in February and March.
This post is not a OneWord exercise. It's an attempt to fix Blogger's broken search feature on this site.
The search feature on Blogger doesn't work correctly. Hasn't for years. As such, some of the pages on this site don't appear in search results - which kind of makes the search box pointless!
I noticed that most (all?) of the pages that don't show up in searches also aren't indexed by Google. So let's see if linking to some of them in that first paragraph gets Google to wake up and say "Oh! Those pages!!!" It's not my best writing but the links are there. We'll see if they show up in a search in a few weeks.
It seems I forgot about my experiment! Years later, I've just tested the search feature and it's now returning all the correct posts. Maybe Blogger fixed their search engine code, or maybe linking to the missing pages (in the first paragraph of this post) fixed it for my site only. Either way, the search bar at the top right of this site is now working properly! Search away! :)
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