Super elastic bubble plastic!
And Stretch Armstrong!
... I need to get some "later in life" memories.
Isn't that what senile people do? Remember everything from their childhood, because those memories have been in the "brain system" longer? But they couldn't tell you about newer events, like what happened yesterday?
- I can tell you what happened yesterday. I had a crappy day!!! I can also tell you lots of other more recent things, but they're not the first things that come into my mind with these exercises. More ingrained stuff pops immediately to mind. - Like "Super Elastic Bubble Plastic!"
I can still remember how that stuff looked (dull mixed colors, and the (relatively) clear bubble that would come out the side, never in the center of the glob on that red straw, no matter much how I tried to position and re-position it and aim my blowing), felt (Cold. Why did it feel cold? It did though.), smelled (Hard to describe, but I remember it.) - and every other detail from puncturing the tube, to making the small ball of goop and pressing the edges onto the straw to make a seal so the blob wouldn't shoot off like a piece of gum when you started to blow. To rolling the tube to squeeze the last bits of the plastic-y stuff out, to when the tube would tear (as part of that effort,) and the goop when it hardened (in bubble form or not,) when it wrinkled as it'd deflate and feel like a dried up skin, to the blobs that would harden, but not all the way, and the sound and look and feel and the tension of those blobs as you tried to stretch them and they'd snap in half, and what a clean snap it'd be... flat, and short. Both sides.
I could go on but the details are overwhelming. This is from eons ago! But my brain forgets very little.
Edit: Super Elastic Bubble Plastic at Retroland
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