

Myst :)

I LOVED THAT GAME! I got through the whole thing with no cheats - played it obsessively - and didn't even own a copy! I played on and off at a friend's and finished it while working elsewhere for a summer, playing on an office worker's computer.

Eventually I got my own copy and then the sequels came out. I pre-ordered Riven and it arrived a day early! I couldn't believe it. Sadly, that was all I looked forward to at the time. I remember, for some reason, the question arose "If I died tomorrow is there anything I'd miss?" and I thought for a long time and realized, no. There wasn't really anything I'd feel like I missed. If someone flew down and said "Hey you wanna go now?" I'd have said "Ok!" But then I realized Riven hadn't come out and I WANTED to play, and was waiting, and I realized I'd be really upset if I died before I had a chance to play that after all my waiting! - Lame huh? :D

I did a two day marathon of playing once I got it and finished the game, - Alive again. No hints. - Then kept seeing maglevs in everything as I walked around my neighborhood. Weird the brainwashing that two straight days of playing can do to you! I liked Riven, but liked the first a bit better.

The third I didn't like at all. I needed two hints for that. One was due to the graphics which I thought were terrible. I literally couldn't see the clue. Not because I wasn't looking but due to the quality of the graphics. The 2nd was my fault. Too immersed in the game. I felt pressured to make a split second decision and panicked and chose incorrectly. Had I taken myself out of the game and put it on PAUSE - which you can do because it's ONLY A GAME! I might have figured out the correct thing to do. But that NEVER OCCURRED TO ME! It was so strange, afterwards, when I realized that. I felt the pressure and immediacy to choose QUICKLY! - and I did. And it didn't go well at all. And my heart SANK. Really truly did. I had chest pains, I lost my breath, I believe I screamed or did one of those silent screams.... - WAY too immersed. Very real at the time. My reaction surprised me. I was very shaken!

I bought Real Myst and loved it. Then got the next in the series, and lost patience with it pretty early on. It was sad to see how poorly the game progressed once it was sold to another company.

I have all 3 books, in hardcover. A t-shirt and a squee somewhere. A CD somewhere too. All part of a bonus package. Loved the world. Used to visit Cyan's website and wonder about playing frisbee... Still remember the action figure mockups of the staff :)

Angry the Myst series was sold to others.

Years later someone bought me Pyst (speaking of "being taken over by others!") which I'd always wanted, out of curiosity, but never wanted to shell out money for because I'd heard it was THAT bad. - I am thrilled to have a copy now. But oh yes, it is THAT bad. It's terrible.

Myst is the only computer game I was ever into. I tried a few others and had zero interest. The puzzles weren't challenging. The worlds didn't interest me... I do like virtual reality games but can only use a helmet for up to 15 minutes. After that my brain goes all wonky and it takes me too long to recover (as in over an hour to re-establish equilibrium!)

What else can I say - now that I'm way past 60 seconds!

I loved Myst. I even have the demo on my phone :)

Edit: I just realized I DID get a clue to the first game. Sort of. Someone looking over my shoulder made a comment about the sounds, and I hadn't really been paying attention to the sounds (and often played on mute!) and I realized there might be audio clues I was missing. There were. I'd thought the sounds were just there for ambiance. - Didn't make that mistake again!



I am as mystified by this posting as the whole safari/java/cookies thing. . . will have to go and google it now I guess.

August 31, 2011 at 1:46 AM

Great game. Best seller back then. The premise was that you are dropped on an island. You don't really understand how you got there or what you're supposed to do. "Go!"

You "wander" around, and little by little you start to notice things. Levers, dials, doors you can't open. Doors you can open. Papers, numbers.... Little by little (and with LOTS of note taking! - The original came with a notebook!) you piece things together.

If you like puzzle solving and get obsessed with figuring out those types of solutions and mysteries (when you know there IS a solution.) you'd get addicted to the game. If you're the type of person who gives up on a puzzle after a certain amount of time and figures "I have better things to do with my time than THIS!" you'd hate the game!

August 31, 2011 at 6:23 PM

Well I was intrigued enough that if someone had it on their computer I would have a go at playing it, but am not prepared to actually go and buy it. So I'll just make do by visiting your "Keeping My word" blog.

September 8, 2011 at 4:27 AM

That works for me! :D

September 8, 2011 at 7:44 AM

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