

Wow. I thought of that JUST as the word came up. Really. I was thinking about car rentals and gas fees as the word appeared.


I was having a bit of "flight" syndrome. "Flight" being the other half of "Fight or Flight." I generally choose "Flight."

But just now, when I looked up what it would cost to literally "fly" last minute, I was not amused.

It's unlikely I'll go anywhere. I'm just having a bad bad day and thought hey, maybe I should get away. But since that's not going to happen today, by the time I go to sleep and wake up tomorrow morning, I'll have talked myself out of it.

Nevertheless, while I was waiting for the page to load, I'd started to think "What if I drive..."

* Note to the world: If I'm not doing "Flight" that leaves "Fight. It would not be advisable to show up at my door today uninvited and without cookies.


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