

Elementary school and four desks put together. I remember a teacher asking us what our first through fourth choices would be for who we'd want in our group. I was always worried I'd end up with people I didn't like, but every time, I loved my group of four. I think everybody was happy with their seating assignments. I don't remember any of us looking at another table and pining for friends WAY over there! I always felt lucky and very happy with the outcome. - Impressive that our teacher successfully pulled that off every time.


this kind of reminded me about being picked last for something . . . what if nobody wanted you (not YOU you) at their group of four. That would be sad :(

April 16, 2012 at 5:42 PM

That's one of the things I worried about. Maybe my friends wouldn't put me in their top two and I wouldn't get to sit with them. Or maybe it'd be 3 of us and one weird kid. Never happened to us or any other table. I was surprised about that.

April 16, 2012 at 6:22 PM

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