

I have pierced ears. Always had them. My parents felt the need to put a couple of extra holes in my head when I was about four years old.

I remember getting some really cute Snoopy earrings once from Charles Shultze's skating rink. They infected my ears like nobody's business! Red, scaley...

In retrospect, it think I was allergic to them, and then my ears got infected. My earlobes hurt, the....

I was going to say the alcohol hurt but it wasn't alcohol that was used to clean them... not peroxide either... Darn! I can remember the smell of the stuff but what was it? I know this smell! Drat! Now this is going to bug me. What other liquid stuff did we put on infections back then? Over the counter...

Just did a quick search... Maybe Ethyl alcohol...

Whatever the heck it was, it HURT!

Edit: OMG! It's about 2 years later, and as I was browsing through my older entries, I read this and remembered the smell, and knew immediately what it was. Witch Hazel!


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