

I have a lot of difficulty with these. Most sunglasses distort my view too much so I'm not comfortable wearing them. There was one brand I loved. I could see great out of them. Better than without! They cost $50-$80 each, but they were worth it to me. I don't lose my sunglasses. Mine often last 3-5 years before they break. Eventually that company changed hands and their glasses dropped in quality. They're like all the others now.

Oh to be able to get by with a cheapo $4 pair from a drug store!


The $4 cheapo pair is the only kind I get - -- mind tend to get sat on or lost a lot :)

April 19, 2012 at 6:02 PM

Yes! You are NORMAL! Lol! You are like pretty much everyone else I know (hmmm... that may not make you normal ;) ). They all say they don't spend a lot on sunglasses because they lose or break them all the time. I've always treated sunglasses like prescription glasses. They last! For me, looking through cheapo sunglasses is more problematic than looking at bright sunlight without them!

April 19, 2012 at 7:25 PM

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