

I was away at school once. All the kids seemed nervous around me. Our accents were very different. I wasn't from around there. Everyone was friendly, but polite. There was a guy there from out of town too, and he was fitting in great. I don't think it takes guys long to size up one another. Girls watch. A lot. Guys jump right in.

One day a group of girls and I were walking back from class. - All of whom were friendly. None were mean. Just stand-offish. One of them, one I knew a bit better, gave me a shove as we passed by a puddle, trying to knock me into it.

You'd think I might have been upset by that, but I was ecstatic. I knew she didn't hate me. She wasn't trying to be mean. Finally someone had taken a risk! Finally someone had felt comfortable enough interacting with me, to do something besides smile, nod, and stare!

(FYI, had someone tried that with me once we were friends, THEN I might have been pissed! ;) )


i hope you were in grade school :)

April 11, 2012 at 3:55 PM

Lol! Kind of. I was studying abroad for a year after High School.

(Can you imagine that as an adult? Lol!)

April 11, 2012 at 5:17 PM

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